Our Amazing Sponsors

BLR Construction Ltd.
$1000 Gold Sponsors
Bernard’s Construction
Cooks Insurance
Metepenagiag Mi’kmaq Nation
The Shed
Roussel Volkswagen and Toyota
12th Avenue Consulting Inc.
G&G Brothers
$500 – $999 Silver Sponsors
Casey Tire ($750)
Northumberland Co-op ($700 in-kind)
Gaudet Garbage ($500)
Renaud’s Furniture ($500)
North Shore District Council ($500)
Lefty’s ($500)
Forever Golfing ($500)
Chief’s Tobacco ($500)
Rae’s Trailer ($500)
Metepenagiag Health Centre ($500)
NDS Electrical ($500)
$100 – $499 Bronze Sponsors
First Natural ($300)
Joe’s Kwik Way ($300)
King Fuels ($300)
Miramichi Meats ($300)
Home Hardware Newcastle ($250)
Bells Funeral Home ($200)
Carpet Man ($200)
Eastern Tile and Marble ($200)
Stephen Ginnish ($200)
Eddy Out Depot ($100)
EG Organics ($100)
Mike’s Bar and Grill ($100)
Miramichi Bolt and Screw ($100)
River Signs ($100)
Ron’s Appliances ($100)